Christmas is coming!

Happy Tuesday!

Unfortunately for me, I thought it was Wednesday until about 1pm today...hope you didn't have the same issue!

Guess what I got today? My first Christmas cards!! Sent to me. at my very own house. Yup, I was pretty darn excited. They even got prime real estate on the fridge (don't you want your card up there?)

Only two more weeks until I get to go home to Florida!! Are you going anywhere fun? I would say I am excited for the heat and sunshine but Nevada really hasn't been slacking on me. Except for water...haven't seen much of that lately.

After work was just a lazy afternoon, a little working out

Lola likes to help when I work trying to stop me from working out. When I do push-ups she liked to stand right about my head and when I do lunges and squats, she likes to stand right between my legs. Oh, and any time I'm kicking, she liked to be right where my foot should be. And then barks at me, the audacity. 

And then made some dinner.
Gluten Free Fried Pickles
I have been wanting fried pickles for a while but no one makes them gluten free so I decided I was just going to make them myself. I have made fried green tomatoes and fried okra before so I didn't think it would be that hard and it wasn't. I just sliced some pickles and dipped them in egg and then my cornmeal/almond flour mixture and popped them into some hot coconut oil. I think this may be something I revisit.

Have a fabulous week!
She loves this....I swear....

what happens next: Christmas is coming!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas is coming!

Happy Tuesday!

Unfortunately for me, I thought it was Wednesday until about 1pm today...hope you didn't have the same issue!

Guess what I got today? My first Christmas cards!! Sent to me. at my very own house. Yup, I was pretty darn excited. They even got prime real estate on the fridge (don't you want your card up there?)

Only two more weeks until I get to go home to Florida!! Are you going anywhere fun? I would say I am excited for the heat and sunshine but Nevada really hasn't been slacking on me. Except for water...haven't seen much of that lately.

After work was just a lazy afternoon, a little working out

Lola likes to help when I work trying to stop me from working out. When I do push-ups she liked to stand right about my head and when I do lunges and squats, she likes to stand right between my legs. Oh, and any time I'm kicking, she liked to be right where my foot should be. And then barks at me, the audacity. 

And then made some dinner.
Gluten Free Fried Pickles
I have been wanting fried pickles for a while but no one makes them gluten free so I decided I was just going to make them myself. I have made fried green tomatoes and fried okra before so I didn't think it would be that hard and it wasn't. I just sliced some pickles and dipped them in egg and then my cornmeal/almond flour mixture and popped them into some hot coconut oil. I think this may be something I revisit.

Have a fabulous week!
She loves this....I swear....


At December 12, 2012 at 4:31 AM , Blogger Adventures of Alex and Emily said...

Woop -- we made the fridge!! :)


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