Showered with Love

Pinterest can almost be depressing when you see all of those perfectly styled, perfectly groomed brides and bridal parties sipping on their perfect cocktails in perfectly crafted locations. Especially when you start to think about all the time and money needed to make them look that way!

Lucky for me I had a pretty great team of people helping me have an incredibly lovely bridal shower. My dad is actually the one who suggested (and paid for) the country club venue for it. The clubhouse hosts lots of weddings every year so I definitely felt special having my shower there. The staff was fantastic, always keeping champagne glasses full and they adapted the menu perfectly to meet all my gluten free needs. 


One of my bridesmaids is a Pilot and she wasn't able to make it to the shower. Instead, she made almost all of the decorations for it and brought them all down to my mom's house 2 weeks earlier so it would still be perfect. She hand-painted candleholders with gold glitter, brought gold frames, pennants, my name in gold pennies (how funny), and tons and tons of pink poufs! The shower wouldn't have been half as beautiful without her Pinterest creativity all over.

My other bridesmaid built a photo-booth background frame so that I could set up my camera that I bought a tripod and remote for in order to have our own photo booth. It turned out so perfect - I only wish I had taken MORE pictures with everyone!!

I'm not a huge kitschy game person so I decided I would rather paint wine glasses so everyone could have a useable favor! We had glasses, stencils and paint...and a blast!

It was nice having a photographer at the shower so my mom didn't have to worry about taking pictures...and so she could be in them! If you have a friend or friend of a friend who can help out on this, I definitely recommend it !!

I didn't register for any gifts for the shower (or the wedding) so everything I received was just extra fun love! It was certainly a wonderful evening.

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what happens next: Showered with Love

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Showered with Love

Pinterest can almost be depressing when you see all of those perfectly styled, perfectly groomed brides and bridal parties sipping on their perfect cocktails in perfectly crafted locations. Especially when you start to think about all the time and money needed to make them look that way!

Lucky for me I had a pretty great team of people helping me have an incredibly lovely bridal shower. My dad is actually the one who suggested (and paid for) the country club venue for it. The clubhouse hosts lots of weddings every year so I definitely felt special having my shower there. The staff was fantastic, always keeping champagne glasses full and they adapted the menu perfectly to meet all my gluten free needs. 


One of my bridesmaids is a Pilot and she wasn't able to make it to the shower. Instead, she made almost all of the decorations for it and brought them all down to my mom's house 2 weeks earlier so it would still be perfect. She hand-painted candleholders with gold glitter, brought gold frames, pennants, my name in gold pennies (how funny), and tons and tons of pink poufs! The shower wouldn't have been half as beautiful without her Pinterest creativity all over.

My other bridesmaid built a photo-booth background frame so that I could set up my camera that I bought a tripod and remote for in order to have our own photo booth. It turned out so perfect - I only wish I had taken MORE pictures with everyone!!

I'm not a huge kitschy game person so I decided I would rather paint wine glasses so everyone could have a useable favor! We had glasses, stencils and paint...and a blast!

It was nice having a photographer at the shower so my mom didn't have to worry about taking pictures...and so she could be in them! If you have a friend or friend of a friend who can help out on this, I definitely recommend it !!

I didn't register for any gifts for the shower (or the wedding) so everything I received was just extra fun love! It was certainly a wonderful evening.

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